DISvue website disclaimer
The following conditions apply to this DISvue website. By viewing this website and using the provided information you declare to accept these conditions.
The information on this website, as well as that on all other websites by DISvue are intended as general information. This information can be modified without giving prior notice. DISvue has compiled and maintained the DISvue websites with due care and has made use of sources that are believed to be reliable. DISvue is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness and topicality of the information offered. DISvue does not accept the obligation to update or correct the offered information. DISvue explicitly rejects any liability in this matter. No rights can be derived from the offered information.
DISvue also does not guarantee error-free or uninterrupted operation of the DISvue websites.
The DISvue websites make reference, whether or not by means of hyperlinks, to information provided by third parties. Such information has not been judged on reasonableness, accurateness, completeness or topicality. DISvue explicitly rejects any liability in this matter.
The information offered is not meant as substitution for professional advice. When you use the offered information without verification or further advice, you do so at your own expense and risk.
DISvue, the entitled party respectively, retains all rights (including copyright, trademarks, patents) relating to the information presented on the DISvue websites (including texts, graphics and logos). You do not obtain any kind of license with regard to that information, except insofar as strictly necessary for online viewing of the DISvue websites. In particular, it is not allowed to copy, reproduce, or in any way make available the content of the DISvue websites to third parties without express prior written permission from DISvue.
Images are real products but for reference only. The looks and design may vary per factory. The information of this website is of a general intent. Other sizes, types and options available. Please check before ordering via contact(a)dibis.eu or contact(at)dibis.com.tw
The DISvue website and these Conditions & Disclaimer are governed by Dutch law.